
I am a Coach. I’ve learned that sometimes Coaches need coaching.
Jessica was the perfect choice for me. Her energy alone was inspiring,
we connected immediately.
I was in search of new opportunities, but I
needed clarity.

Through a few 1:1 sessions with Jessica & her powerful
questioning, I was able to identify what I was searching for,
implement a strategy & seize the opportunities at hand. It was life
Thank you Jessica!

StaceyJ, Certified Professional Coach, Kansas City

I’ve experienced a lot of coaches, and I can say with conviction that Jessica is exceptional.  It isn’t just her ability to ask great questions, but also her creativity and technical skills. When I’m being coached by Jessica, I know she is fully there with me.  She is grounded, unwavering and courageous – three things that make an exceptional coach. My recommendation: make use of her gifts!  You won’t regret it.”

Tim, Professional Facilitator, Ottawa

My experience with Jessica as a coach was exceptional. She helped me determine the path I want to take to achieve my highest goals and facilitated me in coming up with tangible steps I could do to get there. In addition, I have done distance and in-person healing with Jessica using TBM (Total Body Modification) and love that she offers this service in conjunction with the coaching. TBM has been extremely valuable for me on so many levels…physical, mental, and emotional. Thank you Jessica!

Dr. Sherrie, Chiropractor, Ontario

-Lenny, Musician, New York City

Working with Jessica to get past a bump I was stuck on and increase the flow of my actions was like going for a boat ride and not having to paddle. With only a bit of clarity on my part Jessica was able to help me pin point what I was snagged on and helped me clean up the mess in my head about it. The results were just what I wanted: flow and clear forward progress to my business goal. Her efficacy and experience shine in her work even more than her smile!

Jamie, Hypnotherapist, North Vancouver

For over 15 years I’ve been in pain due to injuries. After consulting with many professionals which included an MRI, X-ray and CT scan, no one has been able to provide relief. Jessica guided me to see that I couldn’t heal my physical self until I confronted former issues. I was skeptical at first but after months of revisiting unresolved problems, my body began releasing. The difference now is incredible. Jessica looks beyond standard practices, truly sees the individual,  and incorporates  the skills and techniques she has acquired over the years. I absolutely recommend her.

Gary, Documentary Filmmaker, North Vancouver


see the “Reviews” section on my Facebook Page.

I highly recommend Jessica’s personal coaching. Her honesty is refreshing and her energy is contagious.

She revitalized my spiritual energy and helped me reanalyze my vision in life.

Jon, Blogger, Hawaii

Thank you for such deep, transformational work. 

I felt safe with you and able to bring many unconscious, limiting beliefs into my awareness. I look forward to walking along my healing path with you.

Michele, Reiki Master, Montreal

I highly recommend Jessica Budgell as a coach. She has been incredibly skilled at helping me refocus my goals and establish clearer priorities in my life. Before getting coaching sessions with her, my plans were very confused and I felt spread out all over the place. This was my first experience with coaching and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Jessica’s amazing work has convinced me not only that coaching is very useful, but that having the right coach is just as important. In that regard, you can’t go wrong by putting your trust in her expertise. She has been understanding, passionate and dedicated to helping me attain my goals. I couldn’t have hoped to have a better coach. Thank you Jessica!

Jonathan, Woodsman, British Colombia

When I started my coaching session with Jessica, she asked me how motivated I currently felt to achieve my goal. I said on a scale of one to ten, I was probably a two. But Jessica asked me insightful questions, which helped me to find the answers I needed in order to take the next step towards my goal. Jessica helped me to create concrete, achievable goals for myself. By the time we finished the session, I had an action plan for success, and my motivation level was now a solid ten. Thank you, Jessica!

Juanita, Teacher, Newfoundland